International Conference: Blue Light and Blue Skies (Challenges of Education in the Digital Age)
General description: International conference on the challenges of education in the age of artificial intelligence, on building interpersonal relationships in the school environment and wider society, on teaching in and coexistence with nature, and on the future and vision of Catholic education in contemporary society.
Date: 9-11 May 2024
Promoters: national and internationally renowned lecturers and experts on the subject
- Church in the mission of education.
- Pedagogy in response to the challenges of our time.
- Digitization and AI in school processes.
More information about the conference and opportunities to participate (including how to present your own contributions) will be available on the website in early December.
Contact: For more information, please contact: [email protected].
The environment, sustainability, global warming, biodiversity – these are topics which engage young people across the world; yet while many are ‘talking the talk’, they are not all ‘walking the walk’. This project aims to capture the interest of our students in the natural world and the environment and help them to make changes that will ensure the sustainable future that they are campaigning for. Although young people are worried about the future of our planet, many are not making the small changes in their lives that would help to safeguard the planet. Food waste, conspicuous consumption and reluctant recyclers are present in our schools in Belgium, France, Germany, Northern Macedonia, Slovenia and Scotland (UK). This project will encourage the small steps which can be taken by everyone for the good of all.
Small Countries Strong Cultures
Eurostronomia is an Erasmus+ project connecting eight schools in eight countries namely Bulgaria, France, Germany, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, the UK, Scotland and Slovenia. The main theme is Astronomy and through our collaboration we will strengthen STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills, communication skills and European citizenship.
Music to life
Young Etrepreneurs in Action! (YEA!)
YEA! is a project that is run in cooperation with the Kongshavn Videregaende Skole from Oslo, Norway. Its aim is to further develop the range of activities offered to gymnasium students in the field of entrepreneurship. The project is funded by the Erasmus + programme under the key action 2 – strategic partnerships among schools only.
Natural Science for Social Impact (NaSSI)
NaSSI is a project that is run in cooperation with Calasanz Instituut from Nijlen, Belgium. Its aim is to prepare additional materials that both secondary schools could use in extracurricular activities in the field of Natural Sciences, especially in Chemistry, Biology and Physics. In addition, we intend to reconsider our approach to the methods of instruction of those subjects. The project is funded in the Erasmus + programme under the key action 2 – strategic partnerships among schools only.
Art Nouveau – Art Renouveau
Art Nouveau – Art Renouveau is a project coordinated by the Wellington School in Ayr, Scotland. Other partner schools in the project beside ours include Mallinckrodt-Gymnasium from Dortmund, Germany, Institut saint Dominique from Mortefontaine, France, Colegiul National “Constantin Cantacuzino” from Targoviste, Romania and Sredno obshtoobrazovatelno uchilishte Emilyan Stanev from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. The aim of the project is to provide additional activites and exchanges for our students in the field of Art. The project is funded by the Erasmus + programme under the key action 2 – strategic partnerships among schools only.
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning is a project that is developed together with Borge Skole from Fredrikstad, Norway. Both primary schools develop a model of outdoor education and set examples of good practice, trying to implement each others’ achievements and further advance their activities in this area. The project is funded by the EEA Grants and Norwegian Grants in cooperation with the Slovene Scolarship Fund.
Creative Staff for an Innovative School (KA1 2018)
Active Staff for a Vibrat School (KA1 2017)
Professional Staff for a Successful School (KA1 2016)
Professional Staff for an Efficient School(KA1 2015)
Qualified staff for a modern school (KA1 2014)
Qualified staff for a modern school is an international project with no partner schools. The project’s aim is to offer further learning opportinities for teachers. Based on our detected needs we have formed a project in which we have made provisions for 17 exchanges, where our teachers can attend seminars and workshops. The project is funded by the Erasmus + programme under the key action 1 – learning mobility of individuals.
Improving Quality and Accessibility in In-Service Trainings for Teachers (IQAIST)
IQAIST is a strategic partnership run in the scheme of Erasmus +, Key Action 2. The coordinating partner is YouNet, an organisation for providing seminars and workshops and project management besed in Bologna, Italy. The Slovenian coordinating partner is Step Institute. Both organisations are joined by partners dealing with similar projects from Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey. These organisations will provide model workshops tailored to the needs of the 11 participating schools from the above mentioned 6 countries. The main aim of the project is to improve and develop new methods of preparing and performing training activities as well as revising existing methods in cooperation with the attendees.