Project Coordinator at St. Stanislav’s Institution: Alenka Battelino
Start date: 1. 9. 2017
End date: 31. 8. 2020
Coordinating Institution: Wellington School, Ayr, UK
Partner Institutions:
- SUGS Georgi Dimitrov, Skopje, Macedonia
- Escola Secundaria Henrique Medina, Esposende, Portugal
- Wellington School, Ayr, Scotland, the UK
- Mallinckrodt-Gymnasium, Dortmund, Germany
- Institut saint Dominique, Mortefontaine, France,
- Colegiul National “Constantin Cantacuzino”, Targoviste, Romania
- Sredno obshtoobrazovatelno uchilishte Emilyan Stanev, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
- St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project in the programme: Erasmus +, KA 2 (schools only)
General Description of the Project:
Eurostronomia is an Erasmus+ project connecting eight schools in eight countries namely Bulgaria, France, Germany, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, the UK, Scotland and Slovenia.
The main theme is Astronomy and through our collaboration we will strengthen STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills, communication skills and European citizenship. /Alenka Battelino, project coordinator/
News about the project:
Eurostronomia, Erasmus+, Transnational Project Meeting 1
From 22nd to 24th September 2017 the first Transnational project meeting of the project Eurostonomia, Erasmus+, took place in Mortefontaine. Three teachers from St. Stanislav’s took part: Tine Golež, Martin Čokl and Alenka Battelino.
We enjoyed the hospitality of the partner school OGEC Saint Dominique. All the partners participated in reviewing the application and intensively planning the activities for the first year. The first stargazing activity was organized by our enthusiastic physics teachers and we were discovering star constellations beyond the familiar ones. We all look forward to working together and opening new horizons in the field of astronomy through diverse perspectives.
We are glad to announce that the first Learning Teaching Activity will take place in Slovenia at St. Stanislav’s from 10th to 16th April 2018.
The First Student Meeting of Eurostronomia in St. Stanislav’s Institution
This Erasmus+ Project took place from 10th – 16th April 2018, uniting 37 young astronomy enthusiasts from Bulgaria, Germany, Macedonia, France, Portugal, Scotland, Romania and Slovenia. Together with their teachers, they participated in some amazing workshops, star gazing, discussions and other astronomy related challenges. You can see the programme and read the students’ blog at /Alenka Battelino, project coordinator/
Eurostronomia, Erasmus+, Transnational Project Meeting 2
From 7th to 11th July 2018 the second Transnational project meeting of the project Eurostonomia, Erasmus+ took place in Targoviste, Rumania. Two teachers and two students from St. Stanislav’s took part: Martin Čokl, Anton Križnar, Aleks Kaapre Rehtijärvi and Alenka Battelino.
This is the first time that students participate in project meetings so that their voice will be also heard throughout the project. This time they were working on composing guidelines for all future Erasmus+ students. They presented their findings at the plenary meeting held on the last day of the meeting. According to the coordinator of the project Mrs Susan Coontz (Wellington School, Scotland) they accomplished their work with excellence and contributed greatly to the success of the meeting.
We enjoyed the hospitality of the partner school Colegiul National Constantin Cantacuzino. All the partners participated in reviewing the activities realized in the first year of the project and intensively planning the activities for the second year. The feedback of national agencies were discussed. The stargazing activity was unfortunately cancelled due to bad weather conditions. We visited the Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology from Valahia University of Targoviste and Museum of Human Evolution and Technology in Paleolithic, Stelea Monastery,”The Royal Court” Museum, Townhall and Old City Center.
It was another wonderful experience working in the inspiring environment of good friends. We all appreciated generous hospitality and thorough organization of the managing team at Colegiul National Constantin Cantacuzino. We all look forward to our next teaching learning activity which will take place in Scotland between 16th and 23rdSeptember 2018. /Alenka Battelino, project coordinator/
The Second Student Meeting of Eurostronomia (TLA2) at Wellington School, Ayr (Scotland)

The second teaching learning activity for students and teachers in the Erasmus+ project Eurostronomia took place from 16th – 22nd September 2018, uniting 33 young astronomy enthusiasts from Germany, France, Portugal, Scotland, Romania and Slovenia. Three teachers and eight students from St. Stanislav’s (5 from high school and 3 from the primary school) took part: Tadeja Drašler, Martin Čokl, Matej Urbančič, Špela Plevel, Eva Jeraj, Ana Julija Prešeren, Eva Jocif, Filip Marinšek, Zala Vintar, Sara Lesar, Alenka Battelino. We participated in numerous amazing workshops, listened to fabulous speakers (e.g. prof. Martin Hendry, LIGO), watched highly interesting documentaries and movies on latest discoveries in the field of astronomy, danced Ceilidh, tried Scottish food, experienced a real Scottish storm and so much more. Mr Čokl had a workshop on constructing Mars Rover and Mrs Battelino had a workshop on East-West Space Race.
You can see the programme and read the students’ blog at You can follow the project on twitter @eurostronomia.
It was another wonderful experience working in the inspiring environment of good friends. We all appreciated wonderful hospitality and thorough organization of the organizing team at Wellington School. We all look forward to our next project meeting which will take place in Macedonia between 6th and 11th July 2019. /Alenka Battelino, project coordinator/
Eurostronomia, Erasmus+, Transnational Project Meeting 3

From 6th to 11th July 2019 the third Transnational project meeting of the project Eurostonomia, Erasmus+, took place in Skopje, the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Three teachers and four students from St. Stanislav’s took part: Martin Čokl, Helena Horvat, Ajda Oblak, Karin Terglav, Klara Demšar, Klara Žabkar and Alenka Battelino.
This is the second time that students participate in project meetings so that their voice will be also heard throughout the project. This time they were working on composing and editing multi-lingual astronomy glossary for all future Erasmus+ students and Astronomy enthusiasts. Additionally they did the research on significant events in the field of astronomy in the last two years, they were designing the cover page for the glossary and shot the video My Erasmus+ (Eurostronomia) experience (available on FB of the project). They presented their findings at the plenary meeting held on the last day of the meeting. According to the coordinator of the project Mrs Susan Coontz (Wellington School, Scotland) they contributed greatly to the success of the meeting.
We enjoyed the hospitality of the partner school SUGS „Georgi Dimitrov“. All the partners participated in reviewing the activities realized in the second year of the project and intensively planning the activities for the third year. The stargazing activity was this time successfully carried out on the plateau Kozjak. We visited Old City Center guided by our enthusiastic hosts. The last day we had the whole day trip to Ohrid, a hidden jewell in the south of the country, a historical cradle of south Slavic languages.
It was another wonderful experience working in the inspiring environment of good friends. We all appreciated wonderful hospitality and thorough organization of the organizing team at SUGS „Georgi Dimitrov“. We all look forward to our next teaching learning activity which will take place in Portugal between 22nd and 28th September 2019. /Alenka Battelino, project coordinator/
The Third Student Meeting of Eurostronomia (LTTA3) at Escola Secundaria Henrique Medina (Portugal)
Monday, September 23rd, the first autumn day
On Monday morning at 8:30 the participants met at the Escola Secundaria Henrique Medina School, where we were kindly addressed by the head of the school and greeted by a physics teacher. Today’s program began with a remarkable performance by a student of the school who sang the song “Man on the Moon”. Afterwards we took a walk to the Museu Marítimo de Esposende. This is a maritime museum located in an interesting spot right by the sea and here we saw many interesting and historical objects. A part of the museum is a tower, which we climbed and from there we had a wonderful view of the city of Esposende. After the museum, we were greeted at the City Hall, where we watched a promotional video about Esposende and got to know the city even better.
Back to school, where we had lunch. Later we went to the coast, where we had a short dance course, getting familiar with dances from different countries like kolo the circle dance, the macarena, the ducks dance and others. We really had a lot of fun there. In the afternoon, at 2pm, we continued our program at school. We first listened to the excellent presentation by Dr. Wolfgang Unkelbach about the moon and its influence on human beings, which was really interesting. We then split into groups and discussed the various topics for 15 minutes and presented our findings to other groups. I liked and enjoyed working in groups very much because it is great bonding experience. The official program was over at about half past five, the rest of the afternoon we spent with our hosts, some at home, others went for coffee and some cake. The day was filled with interesting experience and educational contents and I am really looking forward to the next few days. /Aleks Kaapre Rehtijärvi, year 3/