Project coordinator at St. Stanislav’s: Marko Weilguny
Start date: 1. 9. 2014
End date: 31. 8. 2016
Coordinating Institution: YouNet, Bologna, Italy (Istituto Comprensivo 16, Ist. d’istruz. superiore Aldini Valeriani)
Partner Institutions:
- Sulforma, Evora, Portugal, (Agrupamento de Escolas D. Carlos I)
- Asociatia Europanet, Iasi, Romania, (Scoala Gimnaziala Vatra Moldovitei)
- Step Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (St. Stanislav’s Institution, Gimnazija Škofja Loka, GEPS Piran)
- IES Ribeira de Louro, O Porriño, Spain (CEIP Plurilingüe Antonio Palacios, IES Pedra da Auga)
- Balikesir Universitesi, Balikesir, Turkey (Huseyin Avni Atesoglu Primary School, Mehmet Vehbi Bolak Ticaret Meslek Lisesi)
Project in the programme: Erasmus +, KA 2 (strategic partnerships)
In the course of the project the needs and specific plans will be defined together. The coordinating partners will then decide on the workshops and seminars offered.
St. Stanislav’s Institution will then send 2 teachers to attend the trainings. They will participate in the activities and as well as in their evaluation. Improvements and further development of the offered programmes will be recommended.
In this way we are trying to contribute to the quality of the courses offered for the potential Erasmus + KA 1 projects.