Visit to St. Stanislav’s Institution from Bischöfliches Gymnasium Graz, Austria

Sightseeing in Piran

The language-cultural exchange took place from 12th – 15th April 2016, mostly involving third and fourth years from the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium and 16 Austrian students, accompanied by two teachers. The latter participated in the German Matura preparation classes, learned some Slovene and got acquainted with basic facts from Slovene history. Maks Kumek, a Slovene student, toured the visiting group round the Institution. The excursion took us to the Carst (Štanjel) and on the hill of Sabotin to follow the trails of the Isonzo Front. The day rounded by the Adriatic see with the visit of Piran. The capital city of Ljubljana was explored by language mixed groups, which was louds of fun. The entire exchange brought about a lot of satisfaction from both parties, due to mutual cooperation and pleasant atmosphere. Irena Bolta, teacher of German at the DCG was in charge of the exchange, some students and Miriam Lindič, also DCG German teacher, assisted her. /Irena Bolta/