The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Visits St. Stanislav’s Institution

Dr. Cerar and dr. Jamnik at the panel discussion Photo: STA

The Prime Minister dr. Miro Cerar visited St. Stanislav’s Institution on 19th April 2016. He toured the new building of The Alojzij Šuštar Primary School, met the governing body and participated in the student panel discussion with the auxiliary bishop of Ljubljana dr. Anton Jamnik entitled »25 years of Slovenia’s independence – paths and deviations«.

After a warm reception by primary school children, the Prime Minister and the director of St. Stanislav’s Institution dr. Roman Globokar faced the question of co-funding of private primary schools and potential Constitutional changes. Dr. Globokar pointed out that pupils in Slovene private primary schools represent 0,2 % of the entire schooling population in primary schools throughout the country and therefore there is no fear whatsoever of primary education marketization, as it is unlawful to make profit in state funded primary schools. At the panel discussion, the students mainly addressed questions concerning current social, security and financial issues. The Prime Minister was hopeful about the fact that the Slovenes have left behind the world crisis more mature and responsible for a decent life in a civilized society, offering a good educational system and encouraging successful companies, and at the same time not forgetting fellow human beings and true values. He pointed out that: “We need to work on, learn from history and look forward to the future and the young. We have to build the society we live in, in such a way that younger generations could grow on these bases and develop an even more content and successful society.” Dr. Jamnik commented above all on the function of Church in the process of independence and democratisation of Slovenia and outlined the role of the late Archbishop Šuštar, after whom the Primary school in St. Stanislav’s Institution has been named. /adapted by Lily Schweiger Kotar/