THE BEST IN ENGLISH for the first time at the DCG

True? False? Not Given?

Twenty-nine students from the DCG joined almost 11.000 other students from about 500 schools from all over Europe to compete for the first time at the international competition The Best in English. The event took place on 30th November 2016, it ran smoothly and suited the needs of students of all years and abilities. At nine o’clock sharp participants’ faces got absorbed by the tasks presented on the screens and all one could hear was keyboard typing and mouse clicking. Laughter provoked by up-to-date videos was occasionally heard and generally, a happy atmosphere was created in the classroom.

The teachers of English as well as students believe that this is a lovely way to compare their language skills with those of their European peers. What is more, the test is free of charge and especially students were satisfied with results that appear right away at the end of the contest. In short  The Best in English competition is a great European experience. Presently the results are being calculated and we cannot wait to have them announced! /Lily Schweiger Kotar/