Christmas Message 2015

Christmas Crib set up by DCG students
Christmas Crib set up by DCG students

The Virgin Mary was called to rejoice above all because of what the Lord accomplished in her. God’s grace enfolded her and made her worthy of becoming the Mother of Christ. When Gabriel entered her home, even the most profound and impenetrable of mysteries became for her a cause for joy, faith and abandonment to the message revealed to her. The fullness of grace can transform the human heart and enable it to do something so great as to change the course of human history. (From the homily of Pope Francis at the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy on 8 December 2015)
May the spirit of Christmas fill us all with joy of life and gratitude for everything we are blessed with. Let us remain open to the new Life and, like Mary, accept it wholeheartedly and bring it into this world that strives for peace, mutual acceptance, justice, mercy, and tenderness. May the New Year be a year full of sincere and genuine relationships, readiness to help and support each other and blessed abundantly by our merciful Father.
Roman Globokar, Ph. D.