The traditional exchange with three Slavic Gymnasiums took place from 7th – 11th March, 2016. This year the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium Piarist Gxymnasium, Trenčín (Slovakia) hosted students from Piarist Lyceum, Krakow (Poland) and The Diocesan Classical Gymnasium from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Traditionally, students exchanged their knowledge of singing as well as of all three Slavic mother tongues, namely Slovak, Polish and Slovene. The choir travelling to Trenčín this year was St. Stanislav Youth Choir of Diocesan Classical Gymnasium with 50 singers. The choirs of all three gymnsiums performed together at a grand joint concert , when the singing event was marverouslly rouned up by the hymn of the exchange Nech ten chrám. Memebers of the language group did some research vocabulary work on the similarities and differences among all three Slavic languages in the field of sports. /Tamara Domjanič, Sara Oberstar/