The 23rd annual concert with nine choirs and string orchestra of St. Stanislav’s Institution included more than 400 musicians who fired the full house in Cankarjev Dom with enthusiasm on 15th May 2016. The concert was marked by a variety of compositions ranging in time, place and style. Musical images in the interpretation of young musicians promoted plentiful life on the Earth, opened spirital dimansion of human existence and generally spread joie de vivre. As the director of St. Stanilsav’s Institution dr. Roman Globokar accentuated in his speech, all the musicians’ skills gathered in harmony to awaken joy in the auduence. Every chior presented its repertoir – from both primary school choirs and five gymnasium choirs to two alumni choirs, however, the grand finale consisted of all choires and orchestra performing together Look at the World by John Rutter and a passage The Earth from The Canticle of the Sun by Damijan Močnik, who has been heart and soul of annual concerts in St. Stanislav’s institution since their establishment in 1993. The final Macnificat united about 1800 voices, including the audience, in a sincere “hymn of praise” for numerous gifts gratefully received especially during this night and throughout the school year. /Lily Schweiger Kotar/