26th September 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of the European Day of Languages. The aims of the event as declared by the Council of Europe are to increase plurilingualism and intercultural understanding, to encourage lifelong language learning and to promote Europe’s rich linguistic and cultural diversity. Thanks to cultural institutes such as the Goethe Institut, the Institut Français and the British Council, the European Day of languages is nowadays widely celebrated especially in schools.
St. Stanislav’s Insitution is no exception. The event took place already for the ninth year in a row. Back then it all started with DCG students presenting basic language skills to pupils of the Alojzij Šuštar Primary School in seven different languages taught at the DCG. This meant using English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Latin and classical Greek. Lately teachers of foreign languages at the DCG devised riddles and other challenging tasks in the above mentioned languages through which students displayed their knowledge of the language as well as culture, history and geography of the respected country. This year students had to define the origin of photographs with various motifs from different European countries. Students with the most correct answers in the shortest amount of time received a practical award. /Lily Schweiger Kotar/