Easter Greetings 2016

Pot luči 2016_6 postaja
Lojze Čemažar, Jesus Appears to the Disciples (6th station of the Way of the Light), 2011. Church of St Hermagoras, Moravče, Slovenia

While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?  (Luke 24: 36–38)
“Disciples already know that Jesus rose from the dead. However, fear is holding them back so they avoid others and stay behind locked doors. Not expecting him, Jesus enters the room. They cannot hide their fears and doubts. He lets them recognise himself through his words giving them his peace, through his bodily presence and the signs of his death on the cross. His words, with which he explains the Scriptures written on him, bring the light of his resurrection amongst the disciples and ignite them with it.” (Lojze Čemažar, painter)

Dear friends,
the light of the risen Jesus aims to illuminate our doubts and fears and shine into our uncertainty and anxiety. In the Jubilee Year of Mercy, we are all invited to deepen our faith that He is present in the Word and in the poor who need our help. We should not hesitate to walk out of our safe havens and bring this joyful message about Jesus to the world that strives for peace and salvation.
I wish you an abundance of Easter courage.

dr. Roman Globokar
director of St. Stanislav’s Institution