DCG Students Join the European Youth Commemoration in Auschwitz

The DCG students in Auschwitz
The DCG students in Auschwitz

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of WW II, students from DCG, Prva Gimnazija Celje in Prva Gimnazija Maribor traveled together to Poland and visit the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum from 6th-20th May, 2015. Accompanied by several Slovene history experts and a witness from Auschwitz, the students had a chance to get to know and understand better circumstances and facts about the biggest concentration camp in Europe and how it is related to the Slovenes.
At the same time more than 1000 students from Belgium and other European countries were there for the commemoration. Before going to the Memorial Centre in Auschwitz, the DCG studetns met Polish students from the partner school in Krakow.
The goal of this trip was to get to know and understand the common European history, encourage tolerance and values of democracy. The coordinator of the visit in DCG was Daša Oberč.