All World’s a Stage

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“I willl have poetry in my life”. (W. Shakespeare)

The Diocesan Classical Gymnasium joins the culture world with celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death by reflecting and illustrating some of his most famous quotes. By doing so, the young displayed vigour, as the quotes are even today topical and universal. As it can be seen from the displayed illustrations, students have most frequently chosen Hamlet’s quote: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Students’ handouts are displayed in  »Shakespeare’s Corner«, where students can read the sonnets and appreciate poetry. Students claim they like it, because “poetry relaxes mind and inspires the soul”.  Or as Shakespeare would put it: “I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all.” Please feel free to browse through the sonnets yourselves! /Lily Schweiger Kotar/