28th Annual Concert of the Choirs and Orchestras of St. Stanislav’s Institution
The concert took place on Sunday, 14th May, 2023 at 6.00 p.m. in Gallus Hall in Cankarjev Dom (Ljubljana). The fil rouge of this year’s concert was the young heart’s song, which suggests that it was the creative force of a young person’s heart that brought about the unprecedented joy and creativity of all the singers of nine choirs (St. Stanislav Youth Choir of the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, directed by D. Močnik; St. Stanislav Girls’ Choir of the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, directed by H. Fojkar Zupančič; Chamber Choir Megaron, established and directed by D. Močnik; The First-Year Girls’ Choir and The First-Year Boys’ Choir of DCG, directed by M. Kozmus and T. Bec; St. Stanislav Student Choir, conducted by M. Praček Prašnikar; Alojzij Šuštar Primary School Children’s and Youth Choirs directed by N. Janežič and T. Bec; and (Re)Mixed Choir of the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium directed by M. Kozmus) and two orchestras (the String Orchestra of Matija Tomc Music School, directed by D. Močnik and Ž. Faganel; and Orchestra Symphony 23, conducted by M. Zupanc Kovač). They performed a variety of compositions ranging from renaissance to modern genres, from folk music to religious pieces and musicals. Polona Gantar, journalist from Radio Slovenia, attended the event and this is how it resonated with her.
“Anybody who knows at least a little about the Slovene choir scene, is aware of the fact that music holds a special place in St. Stanislav’s Institution. This is what the audience felt at the Sunday concert. Every year the abundant measure of youthful enthusiasm about music, singing, music making and spring zest is sensed, and this time it was no different. The conductors of choirs and orchestras know it all too well that this status is never self-understood and cannot be taken for granted. These conductors of the choirs and orchestras are one of the most dedicated and learned in the country and so are the young singers and instrumentalists of all vocal and instrumental ensembles in St. Stanislav’s Institution. Most probably there is no other school or music establishment in Slovenia which prides itself on such diversified music activities, especially the choral ones. However, what really needs to be emphasised is not the quantity but the exceptional quality of their performance, which the audience has been witnessing for years and is in fact improving from year to year. This was a first-class music event. The only additional observation one could make is that the young can shape their values, life views and work habits very effectively through music, of which the music pedagogues in St. Stanislav’s Institution have been well aware for years. The audience has sensed it strongly tonight. I believe there has not a single concertgoer who has not touched by this joyous performance, which was followed by standing ovations.” /Lily Schweiger Kotar/